Students: StrengthBuilding® Leadership

“By being in this class it makes me feel real special, like I am important to others and that I'm not just a nobody.  It made me learn so much about myself. I didn’t know that I was worth so much.”
- Sunnyside STAR Academic Center student

StrengthBuilding Leadership is about providing the skills necessary for youth to take leadership in their lives. The most essential component of StrengthBuilding Leadership is that the youth learn to recognize their strengths. So often the youth are truly unaware of their strengths and are hard–pressed to identify them. It is through various fun and interactive activities that they begin to comprehend that they do, in fact, have strengths and that these strengths make them unique and powerful as individuals. As the youth begin to realize their strengths and the personal power that their strengths bring them, they also learn their capacity to achieve. Through StrengthBuilding, the youth learn how to create a clear and conscious Intention (vision) for themselves. StrengthBuilding models how to live one’s life making mindful and deliberate choices that enhance one’s ability to achieve this Intention.

In addition, StrengthBuilding Leadership assists youth to learn how to discover the strengths in others. They learn how to recognize the uniqueness of every human being and the common bond that exists between each unique individual with every other individual. This awareness assists them in developing StrengthBuilding relationships.

SBP designs each StrengthBuilding Leadership Program to specifically meet the needs of your school. The number of hours can range from 48 to 21 hours per school year. Anticipated results include: an increase in the students’ ability to identify their strengths and the strengths in others; an increase in the youth’s commitment to school; and, an increase in their sense of control over their lives.

Each student group will receive:

  • StrengthBuilding Training consisting of:
    • Small groups allow for more personalized focus and guidance that matches each student’s needs
    • Interactive approach that is both fun and informative
    • Interaction during training allows StrengthBuilding to be integrated quickly into the student’s consciousness
  • Continuous evaluation that provides the information necessary to customize every session to accommodate the needs of each student
  • Each student will receive their own StrengthBuilding Leadership training manual
  • The end product of the training is the development of an Intention by each individual student. Using their personal Intentions as their guide, the each group member will decide upon an action plan that will guide each student in their quest to achieve their Intention.

Pricing dependent upon the program developed for your school.

Call 546-9296 for more information, or email Pamela Clark-Raines,