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StrengthBuilding® for Businesses

“I was truly impressed with how well our unique environment was understood and dealt with within in the process. This was not a blanket approach and it worked very well … A transformation happened.”
- Kelly Lovato, President,
Vantage Mortgage Company

StrengthBuilding Partners (SBP) believes that StrengthBuilding can make a difference in your company. StrengthBuilding provides a framework within which a strong team can develop. A team which: acknowledges each team member’s strengths, develops an Intention (mission) that each team member strives to attain, and holds one another accountable (in a StrengthBuilding manner) to achieve the Intention of the team.

What is StrengthBuilding? StrengthBuilding is about the individual and their relationship with others. StrengthBuilding teaches us about ourselves and about how we interact with others using our strengths. In your business, relationships are key - not just among your employees, but with your customers as well. A strong team can help support the work of each individual member of that team. Strong individuals working toward a common goal will make a difference in the success of your business.

In one of their latest meta–analysis, the Gallup Organization interviewed 198,000 employees working in 7,939 business units within 36 companies. One of their major conclusions is:

"The organization whose employees feel that their strengths are used every day is more powerful and more robust".

Over the last 25 years, the Gallup Organization has also undertaken two mammoth research studies. The first one concentrated on employees, asking: "What do the most talented employees need from their workplace?"

In these studies, Gallup surveyed one million employees from a broad range of companies, industries and countries. They questioned all aspects of working trying to discover the most important needs of the most productive employees. They found:

"Talented employees need great managers. How productive an employee is while at a job is determined by his/her relationship with his/her immediate supervisor."

Relationships, teamwork, solid and StrengthBuilding supervision/management are all intimately tied to a solid and productive business. StrengthBuilding Partners can provide you with the training and coaching necessary to achieve your goals.

StrengthBuilding Training & Coaching:

Introduction to StrengthBuilding®

Introduction to StrengthBuilding® has two layers that encourage and enhance the process of systemic change and growth within a community: Training and Coaching.

Part 1. StrengthBuilding Training

StrengthBuilding Training is based upon the development of a partnership in which the participants take an active and conscious role in the training. SBP’s staff initiates the partnership as training facilitators with practical experience and knowledge of StrengthBuilding while incorporating it into interactions with others. This initial training is four hours.

Goals for Introduction to StrengthBuilding:

  • Participants will learn the basic philosophy of StrengthBuilding.
  • Participants will learn techniques for incorporating StrengthBuilding into your business.
Part 2. StrengthBuilding Coaching

Research strongly supports the need for follow–up coaching after training in order to facilitate the incorporation of the information and knowledge into practice. StrengthBuilding Coaching is an integral component of StrengthBuilding. After the initial 4 hours of Introduction to StrengthBuilding, additional Training and/or Coaching sessions are arranged based upon the needs of your business and staff. It is advised that the first follow – up coaching session is scheduled approximately two weeks post Introduction to StrengthBuilding.

Goals for StrengthBuilding Coaching:

  • Participants will learn to consciously use StrengthBuilding in their interactions with colleagues.
  • Through their conscious use of StrengthBuilding, participants begin to contribute to the development/enhancement of your business.

StrengthBuilding Topics

In addition to Introduction to StrengthBuilding, you may choose to select one or more topics as a stand-alone training for staff members who will not be participating in Introduction to StrengthBuilding, but who would benefit from learning about the specific subject. These interactive trainings focus on topics that are crucial to an efficient and effective organization. These topics include:

  • Respectful & Effective Accountability
  • StrengthBuilding Coaching/Mentoring
  • StrengthBuilding & Effective Supervision
  • Employee Evaluation (which establishes clear and realistic expectations of staff)
  • Conflict Resolution (which produces long–term growth)
  • Topics developed for your business that fits the needs of you and your employees