About StrengthBuilding® Partners...

Anna Rivera, Ph.D., former principal of Lawrence Intermediate School visits with Anthony in the Lawrence cafeteria. Dr. Rivera and SBP planned a week-long training during the summer to allow staff members to come together as a team outside of the daily pressures during the school year. Staff members were paid for their time through a grant from The Schilling Foundation.

StrengthBuilding® Partners (SBP) is a non-profit training, coaching and mentoring organization that works with children, families, school and businesses. We teach adults and children how to identify and build upon their individual strengths and how to recognize and appreciate the strengths of others. The result is better relationships and happier, more productive people in families, schools and workplaces. StrengthBuilding builds and sustains a firm foundation and strategy for success.  It is a proven and powerful vehicle of change.

The cutting edge, innovative, research-based StrengthBuilding® curriculum is unlike other curricula. The StrengthBuilding® curriculum and teaching tools are customized for each group of participants based on their needs and their continuous evaluation.

Founded in 1999, SBP’s initial focus has been on working in disadvantaged school communities. The school programs have demonstrated remarkable improvements in children’s attendance and behavior and, in the retention and satisfaction of teachers.

Pamela Clark-Raines developed StrengthBuilding® twelve years ago as a way to incorporate current and emerging social sciences research into practical application with children and families. SBP provides professional development in StrengthBuilding®, utilizing the StrengthBuilding® philosophy and process as a catalyst to change the individual, their interactions with others and to create systemic changes in schools and communities.

Our Vision

We see a StrengthBuilding® world where children and families live and grow knowing their strengths and their power and using them to impact the world in positive ways. We envision a world where children grow up with structure and accountability, infused with acceptance and nurturance, a world that honors and respects each and every person just because of who they are.