School Staff: StrengthBuilding® Coaching

This is helping me build relationships with my students.  I’m more concerned about how they feel.  I am communicating with students in different ways.  I speak softer, they seem to listen more.”
- A teacher in Tucson Unified School District

Staff members who have completed StrengthBuilding Essentials benefit from continued coaching in StrengthBuilding as you integrate it into the culture of the school.  Coaching is particularly useful for building teams, or assessing, planning and implementing specific improvements for the school, such as a Code of Honor, a disciplinary policy or increasing school attendance.

Participants:  10 to 15

Location:  on-site at your school


  • Six 1-1/2 hour coaching sessions, typically scheduled once a month
  • Curriculum materials
  • Evaluation by Sally Stevens, University of Arizona

Call 546-9296 for more information, or email Pamela Clark-Raines,