District Leadership: StrengthBuilding® Basics

“If anyone in any other school district should ever have the opportunity to work with StrengthBuilding Partners, I would encourage that with all my heart.  I would say:  Your children will be the winners if you let this group of dedicated professionals work in your schools to build teams and to build strength.”
- MaryBelle McCorkle, former Member of the Board,
Tucson Unified School District

This introductory, three-hour session is designed to provide school superintendents, principals, professional development staff and other key district personnel an overview of StrengthBuilding and how it can be used in a district and/or school setting as a catalyst for improvements and changes needed to achieve educational goals for students.

Participants:  4 to 20

Location:  on-site at your offices or a school


  • One, three-hour training
  • Notebook for each participant

Call 546-9296 for more information, or email Pamela Clark-Raines, pamcr@strengthbuilding.org