Parents: StrengthBuilding® Essentials

“I understand my own strengths and the strengths of my child and to do the best I can.”
- A parent participant

In this training and coaching, parents learn developmentally appropriate parenting practices and skills. This information is provided in such a manner that the parents realize their own capacity to be positive parents, realize the areas in which they need support and learn to appropriately seek such support. The parents begin to experience their own power to impact change in both their lives and the lives of their children. As a result, they develop greater confidence in their ability to be better parents and role models for their children. Coaching sessions provide an opportunity for parents to discuss and receive guidance on how to use StrengthBuilding® with their families in day-to-day situations. Parents begin to create positive, respectful and accountable relationships with their children.

Schools see the benefits of this training through greater parental involvement in children’s education, parents learning how to appropriately advocate for their children, and children being more ready to learn at school.

Participants: up to 18

Location: on-site at your offices or a school


  • 12 hours of training in multiple sessions as scheduled by school and participants
  • Nine hours of coaching, typically sessions of 1-1/2 hours each, scheduled over six months following training
  • Notebook and all curriculum materials
  • Evaluation by Sally Stevens, University of Arizona

Call 546-9296 for more information, or email Pamela Clark-Raines,