District Leadership: StrengthBuilding® Essentials

“To see staff unite in that true belief that, yes, our young people all have strengths and so do we, and that's what we're going to build off of... that's the power of StrengthBuilding.”
- Pam Cornell, Director, STAR Academic Center,
Sunnyside Unified School District

This version of Essentials is designed to provide superintendents, principals and key district staff an understanding of StrengthBuilding so they can effectively supervise the implementation of StrengthBuilding training in selected schools or for selected groups.  Follow-up coaching facilitates determining how best to utilize StrengthBuilding to achieve district goals.  (The District Leadership version of Essentials does not include the social sciences curriculum that is part of StrengthBuilding Essentials for school staff.) 

Participants:  4 to 14

Location:  on-site at your offices or a school


  • Six hours of training in two separate sessions, one week apart
  • Four coaching sessions, 1-1/2 hours each, scheduled over four months following training
  • Notebook and all curriculum materials
  • Evaluation by Sally Stevens, University of Arizona

Call 546-9296 for more information, or email Pamela Clark-Raines, pamcr@strengthbuilding.org