What is StrengthBuilding®?

The StrengthBuilding® Pyramid is used to illustrate the parts of any relationship.

StrengthBuilding® is a three-dimensional process that incorporates three components:

  • Developing Strengths
  • Building Relationships
  • Changing Lives

StrengthBuilding® is a powerful set of tools that are founded on years of solid research and are structured in such a way that they can be easily understood by a variety of audiences.

Using the StrengthBuilding® Pyramid as a framework, individuals learn to:

  • identify and develop their own strengths
  • observe and value the strengths of others
  • build more cooperative, respectful and productive relationships

The more individuals become aware of the power that using their strengths brings, the more likely it is that they can design an intention and an action plan that maximizes their strengths. Living with intention through their action plan changes their lives … forever.

The incorporation of StrengthBuilding into everyday life results in better relationships and happier, more productive people in families, schools and workplaces.

Who is it for?

Anyone can benefit from learning about StrengthBuilding and how to apply it in his or her own life. It has been used effectively with a broad range of people who work in schools, social service organizations, businesses and nonprofit organizations. StrengthBuilding is for individuals who want to change how they interact with others and enable their community to achieve its intention.