School Staff: StrengthBuilding® Immersion with a 500-600 Student School Community

“The respondents felt that StrengthBuilding was a good fit with their school and that it has made a positive difference in the overall school environment inclusive of operating procedures, campus climate, staff approach and positive student outcomes.”
- Sally Stevens, Ph.D., Research Professor
University of Arizona

To receive all the benefits that StrengthBuilding offers, a district can select StrengthBuilding Immersion for one or more school communities.  With this program, a StrengthBuilding Counselor is assigned to the school and works an average of 10 hours a week year-round to assist the entire school staff in applying StrengthBuilding to daily situations and longer-term school goals. This program includes delivering StrengthBuilding Essentials training for up to 30 staff members each year.  StrengthBuilding Immersion facilitates what research has shown is intricately connected with student success:  the school staff working as a team and learning from one another, a sense of a shared mission, and opportunities to access quality professional development, especially coaching.

Participants: Assumes total school staff of approximately 55

Location: at school


  • StrengthBuilding Counselor assigned to school, average of 10 hours per week
  • StrengthBuilding Essentials for two groups of school staff (10 to 15 each group)
  • StrengthBuilding Notebooks and all curriculum materials
  • Evaluation by Sally Stevens, University of Arizona
  • All expenses, including mileage, supplies, etc.
  • Stipends for staff to attend trainings during school breaks

Call 546-9296 for more information, or email Pamela Clark-Raines,