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Mentoring Program Results

Working together on community projects.

Outcome highlights from three years of Evaluation Reports by Sally Stevens, Ph.D., Research Professor at the University of Arizona, include the following:

Does having a mentor spend time with a student make a difference?

Yes! Students showed greater positive changes in the area of attitudes towards school and the presence of caring individuals if they had seven or more meetings with their mentor, as compared to those students who had fewer meetings.

Do teachers report a difference in the students who participate in the StrengthBuilding Mentoring Project?

Yes! Teachers reported positive changes in students from the beginning of the school year to the end of the year in the areas of school work habits, peer relationships and self control.

Spending time together.

Do students who participate in StrengthBuilding Partners show reduced absenteeism?

Yes! Between the time of a student’s first meeting with their mentor and six months later, students reduce their absenteeism by 60%.

What do families think about StrengthBuilding Partners Mentoring Program?

Most report (94%) that StrengthBuilding Partners Mentoring Program has made a positive difference for their child particularly in the areas of peer relationships/socialization and schooling (more favorable attitude/attendance/homework).